Can we help?
Are you a Knowsley family with at least one child under the age of eleven?
Do you feel that a little bit of extra support in your home would help?
Home-Start Knowsley trains volunteers to provide one to one support in a family home; this could be as simple as just having someone to chat to, or having someone to help and support you. It could be something such as coping with multiple births, being new to the area, not sure what community facilities are available to you. Whatever your needs are, if you feel that some additional support would help you, then you need to contact us.
You can refer yourself
Fill in the referral form below, or contact our team on 0151 480 3910. Once we have received your referral form one of our organiser’s will come out to your home and see how Home-Start can support you.
Complete a Referral FormOur support is informal and is NOT STATUTORY!
We don’t check up on you, but will identify and advise you if we find there are any risks. We may signpost you on to other services, but only to ensure that you receive the best possible package of care.
Other Support
We now run different types of support aswell as homevisitng. Please see list below:
- Time for Me Mindfulness and Wellbeing sessions for adults. example of sessions. wreath making, aromatherapy, baking, cooking, introduction to hypnotherapy.
- Parent and Toddler Group every Thursday morning during term time
- Jigsaw Sensory every Tuesday morning during term time. (Sensory session for children with complex needs, no diagnosis needed)
- Baby Yoga – 5 weekly sessions of Mother and Baby yoga for babies up to 4 months old.
- Baby Massage – 1-1 when required.
- Baby Sensory – A sensory class for Parent/carers with babies 0-12 months old where babies can explore different textures and sounds whilst bonding with their caregivers.
- Bump and Baby – Supporting Knowsley Parents from pregnancy – 2 years throughout Knowsley – See timetable for times and venues.
- Counselling Service – We now have our own Counsellor that we can refer the families we are working with to.
- Holiday Allsorts – Family fun activities during school holidays.
- Jigsaw Families – Family fun activities for parents/carers with children with complex needs
- Jigsaw Saturdays – This mirrors Jigsaw Families and runs on Saturday mornings fortnightly. Booking required.
- Jigsaw SEND Drop Ins – SEND Drop ins with the 0-25 SEND health lead across Knowsley, for parents/carers with children with complex needs, no diagnosis needed.See timetable for venues and times.
- Hardship Assistance and Fuel Vouchers – We currently have Household support funding to assist with food and essentials.
For further information please see ‘Groups‘ page and Timetables.