Make a referral
Any family in Knowsley with at least one child under the age of eleven, may be referred to Home-Start Knowsley for support. With the permission of the family; mothers, fathers, step parents and carers can all benefit from our support.
Please see our Privacy Notice & Consent Statement. Click here to download our Privacy Notice & Consent Statement
Who can make referrals to Home-Start Knowsley?
We welcome referrals from a range of services and families themselves. Referrers include: Health Visitors, Midwives, Social Workers, Early Help Team, GP’s and School’s, amongst others.
How to refer a family to Home-Start Knowsley
We suggest that you talk to the family and tell them how Home-Start might be able to help them. You must ask their permission before you refer them to us.
Complete a Referral FormWe will check that the referral meets our criteria, and if it does, an organiser will visit the family within one week, to clarify their needs and discuss the support we can offer. We will then contact you with the information about the nature and level of support offered by Home-Start Knowsley.